Instagramer Pro

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About Instagramer Pro

Instagramer Pro is a great plugin for WordPress that gives you an easy interface for adding beautiful Instagram Galleries to your site.

How It Works

Instagramer Pro is a fantastic tool to showing off your’s or any other Instagram photos without having your viewers leave your site.  We give you the option to show all Image data directly in a great look popup on your site once a viewer clicks on the image.  This keeps on your viewers on your site and it will help to lower your bounce rate.  In addition we load all data asynchronously to speed page load times low.


Instagramer Pro comes built-in with six great layouts:

  • 1 Column Grid
  • 2 Column Grid
  • 3 Column Grid
  • 4 Column Grid
  • Masonry
  • Slider

All of these layouts look great on mobile and desktop browsers.  All of the layouts have a view more button included at the bottom except for the Slider layout, which allows the user to dynamically see more photos without leaving your site.

Please have a look at the demo site for live demos of all of these layouts.


Instagramer Pro comes with a widget that allows you to show Instagram photos in any widget area within your site.  This widget has five main options:

  • Title
  • Layout
  • Show Popup
  • Show Image Data within Popup
  • Get Image by Username or Tag



Instagramer Pro also has a shortcode option if you do not want to add a Gallery to your sidebar.  There is no need to memory any shortcode syntax since we have a shortcode builder to handle that for you.  Simply fill out the same options like the widget and we will create the shortcode for you.


How to Connect an Account

These steps are used to help you connect your Instagram account to Instagramer Pro and should only take about 5 mins.

If you are having a hard time following the steps or have any questions at all then please message us at

  1. Login to your Instagram profile and register as a developer. You follow the instructions here.
  2. Go to your Instagram Applications page.
  3. Create an Application by clicking on the Register a New Client button.
  4. You will be re-directed to the setup screen where you will fill out the Application name description and other attributes. The one attribute that you must add in correctly to make this plugin work is the Valid Redirect URIs. Please make sure you copy and paste the Redirect URL below into that field.client-settings
  5. Once you enter the information above save the application and then edit it again.  Within the edit page go to the Migration tab and check the Non square media setting.instagram-gallery-pro-non-square-media
  6. After you successfully create an Application you will be brought back to your All Applications screen where you will now see your newly create Application. Inside the Client Info section of the Application you will see the Client ID and Client Secret. There are the two values you will need in order to connect your Application to Instagramer Pro.client-overview
  7. Now you can just copy and past the Client ID and Secret into their respective fields on the Settings Page and then save these values by clicking the Save Changes button.client-tokens
  8. Click the Connect account button to obtain an access token, which will be used later to get images from Instagram.connect-account
  9. You will know your account is finally connected when you see the Connection status as Connected and you will also see your profile picture with your last 5 posts.connect-account-success
  10. In addition you will see that the Access Token field will be filled with the value that Instagramer Pro created when you connected your account. You do not need to worry about this value, but it is what is used to gather photos from Instagram.access-token