Page Peel Ads

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About Page Peel Ads

Page Peel Ads is a beautiful way to add page peel Ads to your WordPress site.



The dashboard page is where you will be able to see all of your Ads that you have created.  You can active and deactivate certain Ads from this page as well as these other actions.

  • Preview
  • Duplicate
  • Delete
  • View Stats

Display Locations

Page Peel Ads allows you to place a page peel at any corner of your site.  This give you the freedom to chose where you want your viewers to engage with your Ad.  We also know that sites have many different themes so we give you the ability to chose either a light or dark page peel to help match your site’s theme.



Page Peel Ads comes with a lot of settings to create very specific and targeting Ads.  There are three main parts of the settings page.

  • Date Range
  • Display Conditions
  • Page Peel Options

The date range will allow your to only show an Ad during certain days.  You can just create the Ads and set it to only display for the next week and after that it will automatically not show without you having to deactivate it.

The display conditions settings are very powerful and they allow you to show an Ad anywhere on your WordPress site. Page Peel Ads hooks into custom post type and taxonomies so that you can have the most control over where the Ad is shown.  Also, if there are certain post or pages that you want to never show an Ad then you can simply exclude just those specific posts without affecting your other settings.  There are also more conditions you can set like whether or not the viewer is a user on your site or what domain they came from and even showing on a mobile or desktop only.


The Page Peel Options section give you the ability to chose where the page peel is located on the page, peel type and whether or not it will scroll with the user.



Page Peel Ads are very useful for a site owner and they become even more powerful when you use the built in stats tracker.  All impressions and conversions of your Ads are tracked so that you can see what Ads are performing the best as well as pricing out Ads at the correct price based on number of impressions. Page Peel Ads stats are more accurate than most stats trackers since it does not count views from admins on your site, so you can be sure that your impression and conversion counts are accurate.